Frequently Asked Questions

01. What if my custom clothing order needs alteration?

If you are a local client, simply stop by one of our showrooms for alteration services.

For an online order, you could schedule an Appointment for Final Fittings / Alteration Requests and ship it back for free to us to complete the alterations – it is free! OR We will offer up to $75 alternation credit once you've completed our alternation forms. You can stop by any local alternation shop and get the necessary changes fixed. Please reach out to with any questions

02. For return policy

There are no refunds for custom clothing orders. If a measured form was not received in 15 days, the order will be canceled, and a store credit will be issued.  

Remakes and credit are available for future orders. It's a case by case. Please reach out to about your order.

03. How do I get measured?

Download a  Self-measurement form from the given link and fill out the details.

You can stop by any of our showrooms or a local tailor to have them measure you. The typically cost is $10-15. We will offer a $20 credit card refund after you've received your first order in good standing.

Email  Self-measure form to or attach it to your order while completing it online.

04. How do I get credit if I paid for being measured?

For credit refunds, simply email with your order number and we'll send $20 back to your credit card.